The Department Agriculture & Development (Former) recognised wildlife ranching as a fully-fledged agricultural activity in 1987 already and the Marketing of Agriculture Product Act (Act No. 47 of 1996) recognised game as an agricultural product. This followed to the National Committee 7 Report published by the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC), Report No. 2006-03 published 8 August 2006, titled: “Report on the investigation to identify problems for sustainable growth and development in South African Wildlife Ranching”. On 6 June 2016 the WPA registration was signed by the Registrar: Animal Improvement of the Ministry of Agriculture and published in the GAZETTE on 10 July by the doing of Mr Peter Knipe the current holding President.
NPO Registration 2D12/004864/08
Registering Authority 62/92/R-8
Animal Improvement Act, Act. No. 62 of 1998 (62/98/12-8)
- Certified as a registering authority in terms of section 8 of the Animal Improvement Act, (Act No, 62 of 1998).
- To contribute to the survival and enhancement of the species through private wildlife ranching.
- Declared land-race breeds (indigenous and locally developed).
- Scientific based identification for data capturing, biodiversity and genetic enhancement / improvement of species.
- Integrated registration, identification of superior genetics for genetic data, production & health.
- Embracing future innovation.
- To establish a custodian for the wildlife industry within the Agricultural sector.
- To comply with the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.
- To establish a Regulating Authority for wildlife in South Africa.
- To have integrated registration and genetic information system to record pedigrees and performance data of animals in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture.
- To declare specific animal / species indigenous to South Africa as a Landrace.
- To work closely with relevant agencies in registering disease free animals as anticipated by the notifiable disease act under Dept. Agriculture.
- To establish a section 21 Company (Non Profitable Organisation) NPO
- To register as a public benefit organisation (PBO)
- To register with SARS as an Article 18 Company.
- To establish Breeding Societies within Wildlife Producers Association (WPA)
- Association with the Wildlife Producers Association (WPA) is free of choice and free to all members of the public.
- Incorporate present Wildlife Ranching Organisations. (WRSA)
- Bontebok
- Blue Wildebeest
- Gemsbok
- Oribi
- Tsessebe
- Roan
- Sable
- Impala
- Springbok
- Blue Duiker
- Red Hartebeest
- Black Wildebeest